We have a new, innovative tool in our resource toolbox to enhance our mission of supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities to live with dignity, independence, and happiness. It’s called VivaLynx!

“Many individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities desire the freedom that comes with independent living. While the transition is exciting, it can also be intimidating. Originally designed to help seniors age in place, VivaLynx technology can empower individuals to take the next steps in their independence journey,” stated Living Resources CEO, Elizabeth Martin.

Participants can customize their tablets to reflect their personal needs, including work schedules, doctor’s appointments, taking vitamins or medications, and even family life events such as birthdays and anniversaries. Karen Wolff, Operations Manager of VivaLynx said, “Wouldn’t you rather be reminded to brush your teeth by technology than to have a staff member tell you? With VivaLynx, when a task reminder comes up, the participants can perform it independently and mark it off as done.” In this way, Karen sees VivaLynx as a tool which allows each individual to become their own “Chief Wellness Officer.”


In addition, one touch video conferencing connects individuals with staff, doctors, family members, and each other for 24/7 support. Optional cameras, sensors, and biometric screening tools can provide immediate alerts if something is out of the ordinary or there is a crisis situation, allowing staff to assess potential emergency situations and intervene instantly.

In order to provide a smooth system roll out, Living Resources staff were trained and began practicing with the VivaLynx enabled tablets in December. The first individuals excitedly received their tablets on January 9, 2024, expressing enthusiasm about this new tool and the increased independence it represents.

Emily is looking forward to being healthier and more organized. She also hopes that it will help her better visualize her budgeting. Michael sees it as an opportunity to learn many new skills and Joseph is optimistic that it will help him keep track of his medications, doctors’ appointments, and schedules. Debbie agreed with the other individuals, saying that the new system was “pretty cool!”

Living Resources’ Director of Community Living, John Breitenbach said, “We are very excited that our participants have the opportunity to engage with this progressive technology. It is our hope that Vivalynx will help the individuals we support reach their goals for independent living while optimizing staff resources.”