Today at Living Resources

Poignant Poetry

2024-05-03T10:32:07-04:00May 3rd, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

Creativity – and feelings of joy – were in full effect at a poetry slam, put on by the Day Community Opportunities Program (DCOP) in Rensselaer County. Program participants were invited to write their own poems and read them aloud to their peers. Dillon Morgan’s prose deeply touched those in the audience: Smiles are like sunshine Warm and Bright Smiles make everything feel alright Here with my friends is where I like to be Smiling at you, cause you’re smiling at me “This poem stuck out to me,” shares Amanda Doty, manager of Rensselaer DCOP, “I think it’s a great example [...]

A True Blessing

2024-05-02T13:28:27-04:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

We are deeply grateful to Grace Episcopal Church, St. Paul’s Campus, in Ossining, New York for the generosity and support recently gifted to our Day Community Opportunities Program (DCOP). Boxes of materials, ready to be used in craft projects, which were being stored on the church’s second floor, are being donated for use by our participants. “We are happy to support you as you support others,” writes the Rev. Hal Roark. Assistant Director of Day Services for the Southern Region Donna King, calls the donation “a true blessing.” The church is also providing DCOP with access of its building and grounds, [...]

A Once-In-A-Lifetime Phenomenon

2024-05-02T13:25:07-04:00April 10th, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

On April 8, we were treated to a rare astrological sight – a solar eclipse took over the sky in the afternoon and when the clouds parted, the sight was truly something to behold! Those inside our office at 300 Washington Avenue Extension filed outside, with their glasses in hand, to watch the moon cross in front of the sun from the parking lot. Office staff joined together with participants in our Brain Injury Structured Day Program and many ooohs and ahhhs were heard among the crowd. For several students in The College Experience, the Albany Skyway was a picturesque [...]

Creativity on Display

2024-03-28T11:23:51-04:00March 28th, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

It was the opening day of our newest art installation, and the excitement was palpable. Each new art show is thrilling, but this one was unique. As Roxanne Storms, Art Instructor for our Structured Day Program said, “The participants of the Brain Injury Program have been in group art shows before, but this is the very first time we are having a show for only the ABI program.” It started with a desire to showcase the creativity of the photography and technology group led by Amanda Deere and Tom Reagan but grew to include a wide variety of art, including [...]

Sham-rock and Roll at the Clifton Park Elks

2024-03-27T09:43:09-04:00March 27th, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

Our Day Community Opportunities Program (DCOP) participants recently got their party on at the Clifton Park Elks Lodge, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and amazing friendship. Living Resources DCOP and the Elks are truly kindred spirits. DCOP was started over 40 years ago after individuals in our Day Habilitation program expressed a desire to more fully experience the communities around them. From these beginnings, we formed an environment that fosters community inclusion, self-sufficiency, and self-advocacy through volunteerism, education, and enrichment activities. Bob Lumpkins, Elks Trustee and Chairperson of Community Project & Activities, who is known as “Lumpy” to his friends, said [...]

Celebrating Down Syndrome Day through Fun and Friendship

2024-03-21T09:32:23-04:00March 21st, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

Bean (left) poses for a photo with his friend of four years Beth (right) Each year on March 21, communities around the world celebrate individuals with Down Syndrome and raise their voices to increase awareness and combat stereotypes. Bean is 25 years old and he participates in our Rensselaer County Day Community Opportunities Program and he cherishes all of the friendships he’s made. His outgoing nature and exuberance spreads to everyone around him. He’s always among the first people to introduce himself to someone new and advocate for his friends. When asked what makes Down Syndrome Day special [...]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

2024-03-18T09:06:58-04:00March 18th, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

Our Brain Injury Structured Day Program celebrated the luck o’ the Irish in style! A potluck meal, featuring a traditional feast of corned beef and cabbage (and fish for those observing lent), was served up by our hard-working staff, while program participants brought in desserts to share. The celebration was perfectly on theme, with the color green everywhere from the outfits to the punch that everyone enjoyed! While party-goers sampled the festive fare, they socialized, played games, and, most importantly, spent quality time together as a group.

Black History Month: Representation, Education, and Celebration

2024-03-06T09:58:22-05:00March 6th, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

Representation, education, and celebration were abundant as we culminated Black History Month 2024. On the last day of the February, our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee hosted a reception at our main office on Washington Avenue Extension. We took the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of Black Americans throughout history, and also those of our Living Resources family. The event began with socializing and connecting with each other over juice and cookies, catching up with old friends, getting to know new ones, and rejoicing in each other’s accomplishments. Then Michelle Bynoe, a member of the DEI Committee, [...]

School Break Adventures

2024-03-01T10:34:51-05:00March 1st, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

During February break, fun was the name of the game for our Adventure Program! With no school during the week of President’s Day, nearly a dozen students came together under the guidance of Living Resources staff for lots of enriching activities out in the community. First, students worked up a sweat and got their hearts pumping at Skyzone Trampoline Park and yoga class at Wellnest Studios. They got to laugh, play, and socialize while challenging their flexibility and stamina.   Next, it was off to ViaPort Rotterdam to make memories at Via Aquarium and The Local’s 3D black light mini [...]

Nail Art(s and Crafts)

2024-02-21T09:03:34-05:00February 21st, 2024|Categories: Today at Living Resources|

Creativity was “on hand” at our Site-Based Day Habilitation Program in East Greenbush! Nicole and Micayla wanted to test out their skills as nail artists, so they traced their hands on cardboard, cut out what they had traced, and had artificial nails hot-glued on. Now that their five-fingered canvases were all set, they got to work painting and designing, with no fear of their nail design creations breaking off or being ruined by everyday wear. You can see the concentration on their faces as they worked with their polish brushes! Learn more about all of the enriching opportunities that our [...]

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